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Happy new year! 

Dear friends,

Welcome to this first newsletter of 2017! The whole TRIAL International team wishes you all the best for the year ahead.

2017 is off to a flying start for international justice. The appeal trial of Hissène Habré has opened in Senegal on Monday. Former Guatemalan Minister of Interior Carlos Vielmann is in the dock since yesterday, accused of 8 extrajudiciary executions.

These steps forward prove that impunity is not inevitable. They also remind us that the law can be a powerful weapon when it lays in the hands of civil society.

In 2017, we must trust in our own ability to make a change. Together, let us push the boundaries of the law so that one day, justice can be accessible to all.

Philip Grant, Director


Six ways TRIAL fights impunity


Do you know how TRIAL's work contributes to peace and stability? 

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Former Minister in the dock


12 years after the alleged crimes, the trial of Carlos Vielmann marks a turning point for Guatemala.

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Child tortured at 11 receives compensation


An encouraging step overshadowed by the grim prevalence of impunity.

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Planting the seeds of change


How a one-year coaching changed these lawyers' practices for ever.

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