Your support ensures that we can continue helping victims of the worst atrocities to access justice. Donate today!
*Donations from Switzerland, the United States and most European countries (Belgium, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy and Luxembourg) are tax deductible. For more information, write to

Donations from Europe
Donations from Belgium, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy and Luxembourg are tax deductible through Transnational Giving Europe. Donate here
Donations from Switzerland and elsewhere
Donations from Switzerland are tax deductible.
Donations from Switzerland via QR payment slip
A QR payment slip can be sent to your at your convenience. Please write to
Bank details:
TRIAL International
1203 Genève
IBAN : CH85 0900 0000 1716 2954 3
Numéro de compte : 17-162954-3
Donations from the United States
100% of your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. Your donation is made to, a tax-exempt charity that grants unrestricted funds to the American Friends Fund set up for TRIAL International hosted at Myriad USA on your behalf. Donate here