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Dear friends, 

The fight against impunity can sometimes seem so long and arduous that we may question its utility altogether.

TRIAL International has chosen action over resignation, and believes in a world where impunity for international crimes is no longer tolerated. We refuse to accept that pain, violence and injustice are the inevitable lot of humanity.

Every step forward – no matter how small – reinforces this belief, be it the UN’s firm answer to Morocco’s excuses, the United Kingdom’s efforts to convict a torturer, or the work of our colleagues among victims in DRC.

Thank you for your support and your loyalty.

Philip Grant



The fight against impunity requires more than promises


Why the Committee against Torture rejected Morocco's tired old arguments on admissibility.

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Echoes from the field


"The lack of political will is prevalent, but we also face a multitude of structural and logistical problems", says our human rights expert on the ground.

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Access to justice should be a right, not a privilege


For thousands of Bosnian war victims, justice is simply unaffordable.

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Kumar Lama's case is good news for international justice


Is the acquittal of the Nepalese colonel a step backwards for international justice? Certainly not, for at least three reasons.

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