Mexico is in the midst of a serious human rights crisis. Enforced disappearances, in particular, are being committed on a widespread scale, affecting over 30’000 individuals over the past 6 years.

Enforced disappearances: didn’t we say “never again”?

Migrants are particularly at risk

The situation of disappeared migrants is particularly delicate: they are especially vulnerable to abuse and it is easy for Mexican authorities to ignore the problem and maintain complete impunity.

Although several NGOs fight enforced disappearance in Mexico, very few encompass the situation of disappeared migrants. TRIAL International and its local partners are the only civil society organizations that documented and reported this phenomenon before international human rights bodies, thus drumming up a sound advocacy campaign.

Foreigners have even fewer rights than Mexicans

Persistent advocacy bore fruit 

In 2016, Mexico finally established an Investigative Unit and a mechanism of coordination to deal specifically with the disappearance of migrants. These bodies should conduct investigations and searches that take into account the transnational dimension of the phenomenon.

This significant achievement, though far from perfect, is due to the unceasing advocacy campaign conducted by TRIAL International and its partner organizations over the years.

TRIAL International’s advocacy strategy