In 2016, close to 250 members and private donors have contributed to TRIAL International’s work.
Over the years, TRIAL International has developed strong relations with institutional partners and private donors. We sincerely thank them for their trust and commitment.

As well as private donors, TRIAL International benefited from the support of the following partners:
- Agape Foundation
- Amnesty International, Swiss Section
- Antenna Technologies Foundation
- Belgian Development Cooperation
- City of Geneva
- City of Carouge
- City of Meyrin
TRIAL International’s partners (continued):
- City of Onex
- City of Vevey
- Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF)
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office, British Government
- Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation
- Loterie Romande
- MISEREOR Foundation
- Municipality of Bernex
- Municipality of Troinex
TRIAL International’s partners (continued):
- Municipality of Meinier
- OAK Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Pro Victimis Foundation
- Republic and Canton of Geneva
- Sigrid Rausing Trust
- Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT)