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Together, we can move mountains

Dear friends,

Two weeks ago, TRIAL secured a significant achievement: the arrest of Gambia’s ex-Minister of Interior, Ousman Sonko, on suspicions of torture. Following a denunciation by TRIAL, the suspect was arrested in Switzerland and now faces an inquiry for crimes against humanity. 

Following the last US elections, this episode is a reminder of our own capacity to make a change. Civil society has a fundamental role to play, because every one of us can contribute to protecting the rights of all.

Injustice and impunity are not a fatality. Together, standing firm in our beliefs, let us face the hard times ahead with courage!

Philip Grant, Director



No, Mr. Trump: torture can never be legal


The Director of TRIAL reacts to the new President's statement on torture.

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criminal law

Ex-Minister Ousman Sonko must face his responsibilities


Arrested in Switzerland where he was filing for asylum, Mr. Sonko is suspected of crimes against humanity. 

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Burundi: a "standardized crisis"?


The Burundian situation has worsened in 2016. How to end this long-lasting "crisis"?

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bosnia and herzegovina

Life after sexual violence


Professionals relate their experience of working with vulnerable survivors. 

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