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TRIAL acts before the UN Committee against Torture

01.04.2014 - (Last modified: 29.09.2016)
In April 2013, TRIAL submitted an alternative report to the UN Committee against Torture. The report analyses the state of implementation of the Convention against Torture by Kenyan authorities and it focuses in particular on the human rights situation prevailing in Kenya's Mont Elgon disctrict, notably the massive violations committed there in 2008 and the endurin...

TRIAL acts before the UN Human Rights Committee

01.07.2011 - (Last modified: 29.09.2016)
In June 2012, TRIAL submitted an alternative alternative report to the UN Human Rights Committee. In July 2011, TRIAL submitted an alternative alternative report to the UN Human Rights Committee. The reports describe the human rights situation prevailing in Kenya's Mont Elgon disctrict, notably the massive violations committed there in 2008 and the enduring and...
In May 2011, TRIAL submitted a General Allegation to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID). In May 2011, TRIAL also filed twenty individual communications before the WGEID. In July 2011, twenty new cases were filed before the WGEID. In November 2012, twenty new individual cases were filed before the WGEID.
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