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Justice in the time of coronavirus


Dear friends,

In the clamor surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, there seems to be nothing but emergencies: sanitary emergency, economic emergency, social emergency and so on. All are undeniably crucial, but none can be addressed without being ground in the most basic need of all: human rights.

The context of sanitary emergency has already proved to be conducive to abuse. This is why the fight against impunity cannot wait until after the crisis!

Justice has a unique and vital role to play right now, for the protection of all and especially the most vulnerable. Our action remains as relevant as ever, as demonstrated by the latest news below.

If you enjoy staying informed of our actions and believe in the work we do, please consider supporting us. Every donation matters!



Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we hope you enjoy the read.

TRIAL International's team



New publication_Image

new publication

Justice in the time of coronavirus


How does the global pandemic affect victims of the gravest crimes? A brief overview in our latest publication.

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Corporate responsability_Image

Corporate responsibility

Criminal complaint for gasoil smuggling 


TRIAL International filed a criminal complaint for complicity in pillage against Kolmar Group AG before the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland. 

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Legislation on sexual violence insufficient and poorly implemented


A detailed analysis reveals some progress on the paper, but also significant discrepancies between theory and practice.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina_Image

Bosnia and herzegovina

Convicted rapist pays compensation to his victim


It is the first time that compensation awarded in criminal proceedings at entity level is effectively paid.

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