Real Rights Now

31.05.2016 ( Last modified: 03.11.2016 )


Real Rights Now is part of a wider campaign to push for implementation of the Views of Human Rights Committee relating to cases of gross human rights violations in Nepal.
In a collaborative effort to ensure victims receive the redress to which they are entitled under international law, the partner organisations of this campaign – Advocacy Forum, Juri-Nepal, REDRESS, and TRIAL – are working together on a number of different activities, in addition to Real Rights Now. These include trying to bring together relevant government officials to understand and define their responsibilities, arranging meetings between victims and government officials, media outreach, holding meetings to update the Human Rights Committee and publishing a policy paper on compensation.
As part of the campaign, this portal serves as a central point of reference – in both Nepali and English – on the decisions of the Human Rights Committee concerning Nepal, their implementation status, and planned actions to push for further progress and the realisation of victims’ rights.

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Other long-term aims of the campaign are:
Advocacy: In an effort to increase the urgency in delivering justice to the victims and their families, Real Rights Now hopes to facilitate advocacy through the media and dialogue with Nepalese authorities and government officials and to improve knowledge of the individual cases that have been litigated to date.
Awareness: Real Rights Now seeks to raise awareness about the individual complaints procedure before the Human Rights Committee, and the cases that have been brought before it. The content is intended to assist journalists, the public and Nepali lawyers to better understand the proceedings before the Human Rights Committee, as well as the nature and impact that such a mechanism may have more generally, bearing in mind that not all cases of gross human rights violations – and in fact only a bare minimum – will be brought before this mechanism.
In broader terms, by highlighting the example of Nepal, including the efforts made and challenges faced in implementation, victims and human rights defenders from other countries can draw inspiration from Real Rights Now to plan their own implementation campaigns.

Find our campaign page here: