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Victims’ voices: A setback for the fight against impunity

17.06.2024 - (Last modified: 04.07.2024)
“They took me into a cell and said, "[...], you're going to talk now". I was tied to the stretcher, dressed. [...] They...
Globe Global
In a brief entitled “Towards a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Humanity: recommendations to States on the prohibition of amnesties and other similar measures of impunity”, TRIAL International and 23 partner organizations urge States to support the opening of negotiations for an international treaty on Crimes against Humanity and to ensure...
The conviction of former Gambian Interior Minister Ousman Sonko in Switzerland for crimes against humanity on 15 May 2024 is historical in many ways. However, the decision by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court’s (FCC) to dismiss all charges of sexual violence casts a shadow over this landmark verdict. Ousman Sonko was found guilty of three murders, multiple acts of tort...
On May 20, the trial of a dozen militiamen, local politicians and representatives of the Congolese security forces for w...
(Geneva, 15 May 2024) – Ousman Sonko, Gambian former Minister of Interior, was convicted today of crimes against humanit...
Visual guilty verdict Ousman Sonko
Globe Global
The policy brief entitled “Victims’ and Survivors’ Rights in a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes aga...
(Geneva, 12 March 2024) – Former Syrian Vice-President Rifaat al-Assad will stand trial in Switzerland for war crimes an...
Globe Global
Unlike other international crimes, such as war crimes, genocide, torture and enforced disappearance, there is still no i...
Olivera Simić is an Associate Professor at the Griffith Law School in Brisbane, Australia and co-author of "Punishing Wa...
(22-24 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) [caption id="attachment_27380" align="alignnone"...
Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona
(15-19 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) [caption id="attachment_27322" align="alignnone"...
(8-12 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) The trial of Ousman Sonko opened on 8 January 2024...
©TRIAL International / plaintiffs, plaintiffs’ lawyers and TRIAL representatives before the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona.
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