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Enforced disappearance of Nedžad Fazlić in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 12.10.2016)
In November 2009, TRIAL submitted an application to theEuropean Court of Human Rights concerning the enforced disappearance of Nedžad Fazlić occurred in May 1992.  TRIAL acts on behalf of Fatima Fazlić, wife of  Nedžad Fazlić; and of Dženana Fazlić and Lejla Fazlić, daughters of Nedžad Fazlić. Almost one month after the take over of the city of Prijedor (29-30 Apri...
In April 2010, TRIAL submitted an application to theEuropean Court of Human Rights concerning the massacre and the subsequent removal and concealment of the mortal remains of Nermin Horozovic (11 years old), Nermina Horozovic (15 years old), Ramiza Horozovic, Šaha Bacic and Hašija Horozovic, occurred in July 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Hidajet Horozović, who is resp...

Enforced disappearance of Edin Mahmuljin in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 12.10.2016)
In November 2009, TRIAL submitted an application to theEuropean Court of Human Rights concerning the enforced disappearance of Edin Mahmuljin that occurred in June 1992, on behalf of Ismeta Mahmuljin and Muharem Mahmuljin, respectively mother and father of Edin Mahmuljin. Almost one month after the takeover of the city of Prijedor (29-30 April 1992), the Serb army...
In September 2008, TRIAL lodged six individual applications before the European Court of Human rights in relation to the disappearance of eight Bosniak men during the massacre at Mount Vlasic, on behalf of their relatives. The cases concern: Edin Elezovic, 24 Emir Elezovic, 22 Fahrudin Mujkanovic, 29 Serif Bajric, 50 Zafir Bajric, 21 Zijad Husk...

BiH: Alternative reports submitted to the CEDAW

01.07.2015 - (Last modified: 09.11.2016)
In July 2015, TRIAL and 15 local associations working with women victims of sexual violence during the war submitted a follow-up report to inform the Commitee on the Elimination of Dicrimination against Women on the status of implementation of the recommendations issued in 2013 and about the remaining obstacles daily faced by women victims of sexual violence during th...

Alternative reports submitted to the Human Rights Committee

01.07.2015 - (Last modified: 09.11.2016)
In July 2015, TRIAL and 13 local associations working with women victims of sexual violence during the war, relatives of missing persons and victims of torture submitted a report to inform the Human Rights Committee on the ongoing violations suffered by these categories and the remaining obstacles in the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Politi...
Sarajevo - After several years of legal battle, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina sentenced several soldiers of the Republika Srpksa Army (VRS) to 10 years each in prison for war crime. Bosiljko and Ostoja Markovic; were found guilty for rapes committed in Kotor Varoš district against a woman of Croatian nationality in June 1992. For the very first time in BiH histo...
The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted two days ago in urgent procedure important amendments to the Criminal Code. By recalibrating the crimes of torture, enforced disappearance and rape, the amended Criminal Code will help tackle widespread impunity, break the law of silence and provide justice and recognition to thousands of victims all across...

BiH: NGOs urge authorities to accept UPR recommendations

11.02.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Sarajevo, 11/02/2015 - On behalf of 150 NGOs, TRIAL and its partner MyRight are sharing some key recommendations formulated by the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This relatively new instrument of the United Nations Human Rights Council scrutinizes every country and assesses their human rights track record. In November 2014, BiH received 167 recommenda...
In November 2014, TRIAL and 13 local associations working with women victims of rape or other forms of sexual violence during the war submitted a follow-up report to the Special Rapporteur to assess the level of implementation of her recommendations. Unfortunately, much remains to be done to fully guarantee access to justice and redress to women who were subjected to...
In October 2014, TRIAL and three international and local organizations submitted an additional note of allegations to the Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence and to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to update them on alarming developments, including the flight of a war criminal, related to the au...
Supported by TRIAL, several families of missing persons from Vogošća have just obtained justice before the UN. The Human Rights Committee now requests Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to establish the fate and whereabouts of 13 missing persons, to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes, and to provide adequate compensation to the victims. TRIAL welcomes the UN...
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