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After encouraging results in South Kivu, TRIAL International and its partners turned their attention to another lawles...

DRC: justice has spoken for the 150 victims of Musenyi

02.08.2017 - (Last modified: 18.07.2018)
In September 2015, the village of Musenyi experienced absolute horror: a series of rapes and looting, committed by the...

Repression in Burundi, arrest in the DRC

03.07.2017 - (Last modified: 07.07.2017)
Journalist Egide Mwemero was tortured in the DRC for “crimes” committed in Burundi – a case that illustrates the silenc...
On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the international community reiterates the...

Can video bring down impunity?

06.06.2017 - (Last modified: 08.06.2017)
TRIAL International is partnering with the NGO WITNESS to offer an exclusive training in DRC: using video to prosecute...

Nzovu trial: FDLR finally face justice

02.03.2017 - (Last modified: 29.03.2017)
The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) are infamous for the atrocities they inflict on civilians in...

Judicial reparations for the Mutarule massacre

23.02.2017 - (Last modified: 18.07.2018)
After many months of silence, the verdict for the crimes committed in Mutarule has finally been made public. The massac...
An op-ed by Daniele Perissi Could the ordeal of Lemera’s victims finally end? An unrelated case before African Commissi...
For the second year in a row, 8 Congolese lawyers underwent personalised legal training for a year. From theoretical cl...
Two congolese lawyers testify

DRC: A breach in impunity?

21.11.2016 - (Last modified: 17.05.2017)
In DRC, victims of heinous crimes can now seek justice before civilian courts. These timid but encouraging steps could h...
Stella was thirteen years old when she was raped by a judge. She is now defended by a Congolese lawyer trained by TRIAL...

Echoes from the field

03.10.2016 - (Last modified: 20.06.2017)
An interview with Guy Mushiata, Human Rights expert in the DRC   TRIAL: Once again, the DRC is making the internatio...
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