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Radomir Šušnjar

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 30.03.2020)
Radomir Šušnjar, otherwise known as “Lalco”, is accused by several Bosnian and Serbian witnesses of being involved in the murders of 59 Bosniaks, who were burnt alive in Visegrad during the conflict. In June 1992, approximately 70 people – mostly women, children and elderly persons – were locked up in a room of a house. The building was set on fire and, despite trying...

Amir Coralic

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 09.02.2017)
During the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s, Amir Coralic (otherwise known as “Pango”) was a soldier in the pro-independence Bosniak army of Bihac Province – the “National Defense”. In December 1993, Amir Coralic and two other militiamen abducted Marina, a 14-year-old girl, and her cousin Adela, a 15-year-old girl (assumed names), from their home. The two gir...

Slavko Savić

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 06.10.2016)
In 1993, Elma Z. (assumed name) was with her daughter at home in Vogosca (Bosnia & Herzegovina) when a member of the Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) barged in, pointed a gun and forced her to get into his car where he raped her. The same thing happened again later that year. Elma Z. feared she or her daughter would be killed if she resisted her rapist. Year...

Dragoljub Kojic

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 31.05.2016)
In 1992, Lejla B. (assumed name) left her hometown of Zivinice to join her 19-years old son in Bosanski Samac. Upon arrival, she found that the Army of the Republika Srpska was occupying the town. They had sent her son to a forced labor camp where he was eventually shot on 3 July 1992. On the week of her son's death, Lejla B. was arrested by three policemen and taken...

Bosiljko and Ostoja Marković

09.05.2016 - (Last modified: 06.10.2016)
Ana B. (assumed name) was fourteen years old when she was raped by soldiers of the Army of Republika Srpska in Kotor Varos (Bosnia & Herzegovina) in 1992. Although Ana B. and her family reported the crime immediately and were heard by the authorities, the case stalled for 20 years. Investigation In 2012, TRIAL International took up the case and pressured the autho...

Enforced disappearance of Fikret Prutina in June 1992

20.04.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
In July 2009, TRIAL submitted a communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Fikret Prutina, which occurred in June 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Fatima Prutina, wife of the disappeared and member of the Association of Relatives of Missing Persons from Vogosca, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). On 4 May 1992, Fik...
The case In September 2012, TRIAL submitted a communication to the UN Human Rights Committee concerning the alleged arbitrary killing and the subsequent removal and concealment of the remains of Mrs. Anđa Lale and Mrs. Staka Popović in the municipality of Trnovo in August 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Mr. Vide Lale and Mrs. Milojka Blagojević, who are respectively th...

Enforced Disappearance of Salih Dovadžija in October 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 23.01.2017)
The case In March 2012, TRIAL submitted a communication to the UN Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Mr. Salih Dovadžija occurred in October 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Mrs. Sakiba Dovadžija and Ms. Dalisa Dovadžija, who are respectively the wife and the daughter of Mr. Salih Dovadžija. On or around 10 August 1992, Mr. Salih Dovadžija w...
The case In April 2011 TRIAL submitted a communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the arbitrary killing and the subsequent removal and concealment of the mortal remains of Mr. Božo Mandić. On or around 24 June 1992 Mr. Božo Mandić was arbitrarily killed by a sniper in the suburban neighbourhood of Sarajevo known as Vojničko Polje. The...
The Case In January 2011, TRIAL lodged an application before the UN Human Rights Committee concerning the arbitrary arrest, ill-treatment and alleged subsequent death of Ermin Kadirić in July 1992, on behalf of Dino Kadirić and Emira Kadirić, son and wife of the victim. On 20 July 1992, Rizvanovići members of the Bosnian Serb forces (Vojska Republike Srpske - VRS)...

Enforced disappearance of Fadil Icic in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
The Facts In December 2010, TRIAL submitted an application to theUnited Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Fadil Ičić, on behalf of his mother, Mrs. Mevlida Ičić. On 20 June 1992, when ethnic cleansing operations were taking place in Trnopolje (Bosnia and Herzegovina – BiH) and in the surrounding area, members of the Bosnian Se...

Enforced disappearance of Husein Hamulic in July 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 23.05.2016)
The case In November 2010, TRIAL submitted a communication to theUnited Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Mr. Husein Hamulić. On 20 July 1992, when ethnic cleansing operations were taking place in Hambarine and in the surrounding area, members of the Yugoslav National Army (Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija - JNA) went to the house...
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