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New legal report, adapting to Covid-19, and other news


Dear friends,

We hope you and your loved ones are keeping well in this difficult period. TRIAL International has reacted swiftly to the coronavirus pandemic, and taken all necessary measures to carry out its mandate in the best possible sanitary conditions. 

The situation inevitably results in modifications to our activities, but this newsletter illustrates our determination to keep up our fight against impunity: we published a new legal report, filed a criminal complaint and continue denouncing the stigma around sexual violence.

Our beneficiaries still rely on us, perhaps even more acutely than in normal times! We must maintain solidarity during the crisis: your support matters more than ever.

Thank you,

The TRIAL International team




Beneficiaries remain our priority during the pandemic

TRIAL International is doing its utmost to maintain its activities while ensuring the safety of its workers, partners and beneficiaries.

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corporate responsibility

Dealing in conflict timber across The Gambia and Senegal

TRIAL International filed a criminal complaint against a Swiss businessman for pillaging rare timber wood in Western Africa.

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The Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2020 is out!

This year's UJAR highlights an alarming legal trend: the prosecution of mass atrocities as terrorism, and not international crimes. 

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sexual violence 

Survivors suffer stigma at all levels

Stigmatization for sexual violence may occur at a personal level or within the community, but also at an institutional level, in the judicial system.

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