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Two decades of fighting 


Dear friends, 

Despite criticism, and 21 years after it was established by the Rome Statute, international justice remains an unavoidable tool in the fight against impunity.

Last month’s developments show how crucial collecting evidence is to uncover the most terrible international crimes. A perfect example of this is the case of Gambian survivors of sexual violence, who had the courage to speak out and accuse former president Yahya Jammeh. But international crimes are not restricted to individuals. TRIAL International also acts to hold corporations accountable for serious crimes.

Strengthening the capacities of local actors is also a cornerstone of TRIAL International’s action. By providing them with the necessary tools, our organization hopes to improve access to justice and pave the way for reparations.

Thank you for your support and enjoy the read, 


TRIAL International's team 



Three women accuse former president of sexual violence 


Following the investigation by Human Rights Watch and TRIAL International, three Gambian women formally accused ex-president, Yahya Jammeh, of sexual violence.

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Germany and Belgium must investigate corporate responsibility


Syrian Archive, and TRIAL International call upon German and Belgian prosecutors to clarify the role of three companies in the export of dual-use chemicals to Syria.

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From child soldier to human rights defender 


Find out about the fight of Lenin Bista, former Nepalese child soldier who became a human rights defender. He stands up for the rights of former child soldiers so that they can access reparations. 

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The fight against impunity continues in DRC


A coalition of NGOs launched a common project to fight impunity in North and South Kivu, DRC. Its aim is to reinforce access to justice for victims of international crimes.

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