Donat Kwenga Omari, a former soldier in the national army (FARDC), has been convicted by the Bukavu Garrison Military Court of crimes against humanity committed when he was leader of a coalition of dozens of Raia Mutomboki armed groups known as the “Forces Populaires de Paix”. Although the trial shed light on Donat’s role in the atrocities committed by this coalition, TRIAL International deplores the recourse to the death penalty.

Donat Kwenga Omari, former FARDC soldier, will be tried from October 25, 2024, by the Bukavu Garrison Military Court for crimes against humanity committed when he led a coalition of Raia Mutomboki armed groups known as the “Forces Populaires de Paix”. The trial aims to establish Donat’s role in the crimes committed by this coalition and will enable over 350 victims to make their voices heard and gain access to justice.