Universal Jurisdiction Interactive Map – Tracking the fight against impunity

07.11.2023 ( Last modified: 17.11.2023 )

Invitation to an online launch

TRIAL International is pleased to invite you to the launch of its new online tool: the Universal Jurisdiction Interactive Map, which will take place during a webinar on Monday 20 November 2023 at 4 pm (CET).

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The Universal Jurisdiction Interactive Map (UJIM) is an online tool providing a global overview of criminal cases brought before national courts on the basis of extraterritorial, including universal, jurisdiction. Cases included relate to international crimes, namely genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture, enforced disappearances and the crime of aggression. The map was created on the basis of TRIAL International’s Universal Jurisdiction Database, which it now replaces.

Our new tool is primarily intended for legal practitioners and victims’ representatives, but can also provide valuable information to researchers, journalists, NGOs, human rights defenders, prosecuting authorities and anyone interested in international justice issues. It enables the user to access quantitative data on investigations and prosecutions of universal jurisdiction cases worldwide by applying filters. Moreover, it provides a summary of the facts and of the procedure for each case.

The Universal Jurisdiction Interactive Map will be launched on Monday 20 November 2023 at 4 pm (CET) during a webinar. This event will include a short demo on how to use the map by Sonia Wanner, Program Officer at TRIAL International’s International Investigations and Litigation Program, followed by a discussion with speakers who will share their views on universal jurisdiction, as well as time for questions from the audience. We will hear from Mazen Darwish, President of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, Aida Samani, Senior Legal Adivser at Civil Rights Defenders, and Philip Grant, Executive Director of TRIAL International.

visual UJIM_Speakers Mazen Darwish  visual UJIM launch _Speakers_ Aida Samani  visual UJIM_Speakers Philip Grant

The online launch will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

The map itself will be active on this link from Monday 20 November 2023 4 pm (CET) onwards.

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