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Globe Global
For over 10 years, TRIAL International has been a central actor of the fight against impunity for international crimes i...
Mutarule TRIAL RDC
A campaign has launched in support of the Responsible Business Initiative. The participating organizations, including T...

#IniMulti: In favor of responsible business

12.10.2016 - (Last modified: 18.10.2016)
To date, 120 of the 200 biggest Swiss corporations have no policy regarding human rights. Mandatory measures are necess...

Initiative to improve corporate accountability

05.10.2016 - (Last modified: 23.02.2017)
#Inimulti Human rights violations committed by multinationals in Switzerland regularly make the headlines: inhumane wor...

Stop Pillage: What is looting?

31.05.2016 - (Last modified: 18.10.2016)
The practice of pillage Since the end of the Cold War, the illegal exploitation of natural resources has become a key s...

Real Rights Now

31.05.2016 - (Last modified: 03.11.2016)
Introduction Real Rights Now is part of a wider campaign to push for implementation of the Views of Human Rights Commit...
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