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An op-ed by Reed Brody Reed Brody fought at the side of Hissène Habré’s victims until Habré’s conviction and life sente...
Globe Global
Once a year, the international community remembers women are not only victims: they also have agency. Close your eye...
An op-ed by Daniele Perissi Could the ordeal of Lemera’s victims finally end? An unrelated case before African Commissi...
An op-ed by Philip Grant President Trump’s support for torture goes against everything TRIAL International fights for....

Burundi: a “standardised crisis”?

24.01.2017 - (Last modified: 25.01.2017)
An op-ed by Pamela Capizzi The country showed no sign of improvement in 2016, perpetuating a detrimental situation for...
Globe Global
An op-ed by Valérie Paulet The relevance of universal jurisdiction for torture or genocide has been widely acknowledged...
Globe Global
An op-ed by Giorgio Malinverni We celebrate the International Day for Human Rights at the close of a rough year for int...
An op-ed by Adisa Fisic On the 68th anniversary of the Convention against Genocide, Bosnia and Herzegovina is still str...
An op-ed by Sandra Delval The District Court of Bobigny (France) upheld a guilty verdict against Pascal Simbikangwa for...
An op-ed by Philip Grant South Africa’s withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC), followed closely by Gam...
          An Op-Ed by Valérie Paulet Despite his acquittal, the trial of Colonel Ku...

Nepal: the shapes of impunity

06.09.2016 - (Last modified: 27.02.2017)
An op-ed by Helena Rodríguez-Bronchú Carceller “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless th...
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