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The case In February 2011, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding the enforced disappearance and torture of Jit Man Basnet in February 2004. In this case, TRIAL also represents the victim’s cousin, Top Bahadur Basnet. Jit Man Basnet is a journalist and a lawyer in Kathmandu. On 4 February 2004, he was arr...

Enforced disappearance of Husein Hamulic in July 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 23.05.2016)
The case In November 2010, TRIAL submitted a communication to theUnited Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Mr. Husein Hamulić. On 20 July 1992, when ethnic cleansing operations were taking place in Hambarine and in the surrounding area, members of the Yugoslav National Army (Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija - JNA) went to the house...

Enforced disappearance of Mensud Rizvanovic in July 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
The case In September 2010, TRIAL submitted an individual complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Committee against Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) concerning the enforced disappearance of Mensud  Rizvanović, which occurred in July 1992. In this case, ACT is acting on behalf of Mrs Fatima Rizvanović and Mrs. Ruvejda Rizvanović, who are respectively the mother and the w...

Enforced disappearances of 12 persons in 1992 in Vogosca

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
In May 2010, TRIAL submitted a communication to the Human Rights Committeeconcerning 12 cases of enforced disappearance wich occured in June 1992 in Svrake village in Vogošća. TRIAL represents 25 relatives of the disappeared persons. The twelve victims are: Rasim Selimović (45 years whent he went missing) Mensud Durić (24 years) Safet Hodžić (37 years) Himzo H...
In April 2010, TRIAL submitted a communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance and alleged arbitrary execution and the subsequent concealment of the mortal remains of Sejad Hero and Ramiz Kožljak occurred in July 1992. On 4 July 1992 members of the Yugoslav National Army (Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija - JNA) surroun...

Enforced disappearance of Ibrahim Duric in May 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
In January 2010, TRIAL submitted a communication to theHuman Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Ibrahim Durić occurred in May 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Nevzeta Durić and of NedžadDurić, respectively mother and brother of Ibrahim Durić. On 14 May 1992 Ibrahim Durić was stopped and interrogated at a check point in Kasindolska Street held by...

Enforced disappearance of Salih Čekić in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
In December 2009, TRIAL submitted a communication to the Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Salih Čekić which occurred in June 1992, acting on behalf of Ema Čekić,  Sanela Bašić, Sead Čekić and Samir Čekić who are respectively the wife, the daughter and the sons of  Salih Čekić. On 4 May 1992 Salih Čekić was arrested in Svrake (Bosnia a...

Enforced disappearance of Safet Kozica in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
In November 2009, TRIAL submitted a communication to the Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Safet Kozica that occurred in June 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of  Mirha Kozica, Bajazit Kozica and Selima Kozica, who are respectively mother, brother and sister of Mr. Safet Kozica. On 4 May 1992, Safet Kozica was arrested in Svrake (BiH) by t...

Enforced disappearance of Huso and Nedžad Zlatarac in June 1992

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 11.10.2016)
August 2009, TRIAL submitted a communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of Huso Zlatarac and Nedžad Zlatarac occurred in June 1992. TRIAL acts on behalf of Hasiba Zlatarac and Alma Čardaković, wife and daughter respectively of Huso Zlatarac and mother and sister respectively of Nedžad Zlatarac. The case On 4 May...
The case In July 2011, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding the arbitrary deprivation of liberty and torture of Mr. Ang Dorje Sherpa in July 2007. Mr. Sherpa was a porter and cook during trekking expeditions in the Nepalese mountains. On 18 July 2007 as he was walking back home, Mr. Sherpa was assaulted...
The Case In September 2011, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding the arbitrary deprivation of liberty, subsequent enforced disappearance, torture and alleged arbitrary execution of Mr. Gyanendra Tripathi in September 2003. Mr. Tripathi was a Central Committee member of the All Nepal National Independent...

Arbitrary arrest, torture and unfair trial

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 12.05.2020)
Facts In October 2013, TRIAL and the NGO Stichting Russian Justice Initiative, submitted a communication to the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of Mr. Tamerlan Yashuyev, Mr. Khamit Barakhayev, Mr. Rizvan Taysumov, Mr. Salman Temirbulatov, Mr. Arzu Yusupov, and Mr. Magamed Alarkanov. The six men were arrested in different cities of Chechnya and Dagestan, betwee...
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