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Nearly seven years ago, after a long-term effort, several NGOs denounced Erwin Sperisen to the Swiss authorities by stressing his responsibility in numerous and serious human rights violations. The Geneva Court rendered a significant judgment today, condemning the former Chief of Police of Guatemala to a life-sentence for 7 extrajudicial executions in 2006 in Guatemal...

Nepal: Flawed Transitional Justice Act Adopted

03.06.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Last May, the President of Nepal passed a deeply flawed Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act. Violating human rights law standards, this Act raises great concerns, as it will contribute to further entrench impunity in Nepal. TRIAL calls for amendments to be made and reminds that current Nepalese transitional justice mechanisms are totally inadequate as they:...

Mexico: enforced disappearances under NGO's scrutiny

03.06.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
TRIAL, along with eight associations from Mexico and Central America, has submitted a report (available in Spanish too)  to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances(CED). It aims at reminding Mexico of its legal obligation under the International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. Even though the State is party to this treat...

Libya: justice for the victims of Gaddafi regime

02.06.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
The United Nations has just adopted a landmark decision condemning Libya for the enforced disappearance of Jaballa Hamed Matar and Izzat Yousef Al-Maqrif, two high-ranking political opponents of Colonel Gaddafi's regime whose fate and whereabouts remain unknown since 1990. If this decision doesn't disclose the truth on the final fate of the two political leaders, i...

General Allegation on Transitional Justice Mechanisms

01.06.2014 - (Last modified: 09.11.2016)
In June 2014, TRIAL, together with Advocacy Forum - Nepal and REDRESS, submitted a report providing an analysis of the conformity with international standards of the provisions of the recently enacted Act on the Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation 2071 (11 May 2014) to several UN Special Procedures. TRIAL requested the Speci...
On 3 January 2007 Nepal ratified the  Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (OPAC). On 15 October 2012 Nepal presented to the Committee on the Rights of the Child its Initial Report (CRC/C/OPAC/NPL/1) pursuant to Article 8, para. 1, of the OPAC. On 26 June 2014 TRIAL submitted an alternative...

Justice for victims of the Gaddafi regime

19.05.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Geneva, London, May 19 2014 - The United Nations has adopted a landmark decision condemning Libya for the enforced disappearance of two high-ranking political opponents of Colonel Gaddafi’s regime. The complaints regarding the cases of Jaballa Hamed Matar and Izzat Yousef Al-Maqrif were filed by NGO TRIAL on behalf of the sons of the disappeared. Hisham Matar and Youc...

TRIAL acts before the Committee on Enforced Disappearances

01.05.2014 - (Last modified: 20.09.2016)
In May 2014 TRIAL and 8 associations from Mexico and Central America submitted an alternative report to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED). It concerns the implementation by Mexico of its obligations under the International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. Mexico is a party to this treaty since 18 March 2008 and i...

Nepal: TRIAL seized the UN on behalf of a victim of torture

14.04.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
In April 2014, TRIAL has submitted a complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) on behalf of a victim of arbitrary arrest, torture and enforced disappearance in Nepal.   Arbitrarily arrested, disappeared and tortured Amrit Kandel, a Nepalese citizen, was arbitrarily arrested in Kathmandu on 10th October 2003 during the armed conflict th...

Sperisen case: trial soon to start

11.04.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Today, the Geneva judicial authorities have announced the date of Erwin Sperisen’s trial. The former police chief of Gua...

BiH: War crimes suspect arrested and soon tried

09.04.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
The French police have arrested Bosnian Serb citizen Radomir Šušnjar, a former member of a paramilitary group in Bosnia, wanted for war crimes. TRIAL led an investigation on this case since 2012, located the suspect and informed the French and Bosnian authorities. The arrest was carried out on April 4 at the request of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s authorities. War crim...

TRIAL acts before the UN Committee against Torture

01.04.2014 - (Last modified: 29.09.2016)
In April 2013, TRIAL submitted an alternative report to the UN Committee against Torture. The report analyses the state of implementation of the Convention against Torture by Kenyan authorities and it focuses in particular on the human rights situation prevailing in Kenya's Mont Elgon disctrict, notably the massive violations committed there in 2008 and the endurin...
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