Liberia asked to bring its former warlords to justice

02.07.2018 ( Last modified: 05.07.2018 )

A coalition of 76 non-governmental organizations has called for the Human Rights Committee to ask the Liberian government to bring proceedings for the international crimes committed during the two civil wars. The request should be relayed to Liberia during its appearance before the Committee on 9 and 10 July 2018.


Since the end of the second bloody conflict that tore Liberia apart until 2003, the only verdicts for the atrocities committed during the war have been pronounced outside the Liberian territory, in both Europe and the United States. During the 14 years that the two civil wars in Liberia lasted, the country was bled dry by summary executions, massacres, rapes and other forms of sexual violence, mutilations, torture, and the conscription of child soldiers.


TRIAL International has joined a coalition of NGOs requesting that the Liberian government introduces the judiciary necessary to prosecute the authors of these crimes in the country where they were committed. The solution involves creating a war crimes tribunal habilitated to prosecute former warlords and able to hold fair and credible trials.


For further information, read the letter co-signed by the 76 NGOs.