General Assembly 2024: Information and useful documents

22.04.2024 ( Last modified: 13.06.2024 )

Members of TRIAL International are invited to participate in the General Assembly (GA) of the organization which will take place on June 13, starting at 6:30 p.m. in our office, located at 95 rue de Lyon in Geneva.


  1. Meeting and discussion with Samuel Emonet, Executive Director of Justice Rapid Response (
  2. Approval of the agenda and minutes of the 2023 ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies
  3. Presentation of 2023 activity report and 2024 action plan
  4. Amendments to the Statutes of the Organisation
  5. Election of new members of the committee: Dr. Jelena Aparac & Georges Kuzma
  6. Accounts and balance sheet 2023, membership fee, appointment of auditors 2024
  7. Miscellaneous and end of the General Assembly


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