Join us on 5 April for a roundtable on universal jurisdiction

01.04.2019 ( Last modified: 20.02.2020 )

TRIAL International is pleased to present its Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2019 (UJAR) on Friday 5 April 2019 at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

An expert roundtable will address the main findings of TRIAL International’s latest Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review, focusing on evidentiary challenges in universal jurisdiction cases.

The event will bring together key stakeholders in the fight against impunity, including diplomats, NGO representatives, academics and researchers. TRIAL International is honored to count the following experts on the panel:

  • Professor Marco Sassòli, Director of the Geneva Academy (Moderation)
  • Eric Emeraux, Head of the French Central Office to fight crimes against humanity, genocides and war crimes
  • Emanuelle Marchand, Senior Legal Counsel at Civitas Maxima
  • Montse Ferrer, Senior Legal Advisor and Investigator at TRIAL International

The roundtable will take place at the Geneva Academy on Friday 5 April 2019, between 12am and 2pm. Entrance is free and open to all, within the limits of seating spaces.

For more information, please contact TRIAL International’s office in Geneva.

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