
17.05.2016 ( Last modified: 04.11.2016 )

In early January 2011, a simple fight between two men in Fizi (South Kivu Province) degenerated when a group of soldiers belonging to the Congolese army launched an offensive against the civilian population. Several tens of victims reported acts of rape, pillage and murder.

Thirteen months later, nine soldiers – of whom Lieutenant Colonel Kibibi Mutware was the main accused – were sentenced by the court of first instance to prison terms ranging from 10 to 20 years for crimes against humanity. On the victims’ side, 94 people should have received reparations from the Congolese State. But the convicted offenders lodged appeals and the criminal proceedings were put on hold for years, thus preventing payment of any compensation. In 2016, none of the victims has received a single centime and some have lost all hope of obtaining justice.

In collaboration with lawyers appointed to assist the victims, TRIAL International worked tirelessly to get the appeal proceedings reopened. Thanks to these efforts, the trial on appeal was finally opened before the Kinshasa Military High Court on 19 August 2015. The representation of victims in the trial remains the only way for them to finally obtain reparations for the crimes they have suffered. The trial is ongoing.