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- TRIAL acts before the UN Committee against Torture
TRIAL acts before the UN Committee against Torture
In May 2012, TRIAL submitted an alternative report to the UN Committee against Torture.
The report highlights the existing obstacles in the implementation of the Convention against Torture by Mexico, providing numerous concrete examples as well as recommendations to improve the situation.
The report was submitted in partnership with seven Mexican and Central American human rights organisations namely, i(dh)eas – Strategic Human Rights Litigation (Litigio Estratégico en Derechos Humanos); the National Forum for Migration in Honduras (Foro Nacional para las Migraciones en Honduras – FONAMIH); the Foundation for Justice and the Democratic Rule of Law (Fundación para la Justicia y el Estado Democrático de Derecho); the Diocesan Centre for Human Rights Fray Juan de Larios (Centro Diocesano de Derechos Humanos Fray Juan de Larios, A.C.); United Forces for our Disappeared in Coahuila (Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos(as) en Coahuila – FUUNDEC); the Committee of Relatives of Deceased and Disappeared Migrants – El Salvador (Comité de Familiares de Migrantes Fallecidos y Desaparecidos – El Salvador – COFAMIDE); and the Association of Relatives of Disappeared-detainees and victims of human rights’ violations in Mexico (Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Víctimas de Violaciones de Derechos Humanos en México – AFADEM) .