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TRIAL granted consultative status before the United Nations Economic and Social Council

27.07.2009 ( Last modified: 17.07.2017 )

This decision will allow the NGO to better defend of the interests of victims of international crimes before the various organs of the United Nations.

RTEmagicC_ECOSOC_02.jpg Geneva, 27 July 2009. The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) today granted TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) consultative status.

ECOSOC is the organ of the United Nations which has specific responsibility for questions related to human rights.

According to Philip Grant, President of TRIAL, “this decision is an important recognition of the work carried out by TRIAL to date, and will allow us to have a valuable presence in the various UN bodies when required during discussions on the defence of victims of international crimes and the fight against impunity.”

TRIAL had already applied for this consultative status in May 2005. However, at the time the Association had its request blocked by certain State members of the Committee on NGOs, a subsidiary organ of ECOSEC in charge of considering applications for consultative status.


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