TRIAL International at the FIFDH


The International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) attracts every year activists from around the world. TRIAL International is proud to take part in this unmissable event.

The FIFDH is the most important event dedicated to cinema and human rights around the world. It takes place every year in parallel with the main session of the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva, city which is also home to TRIAL International’s headquarters.

Every year, the FIFDH highlights the under-reported aspects of human rights. The festival offers NGO’s a platform for debate and the opportunity to heighten awareness about their work among a very wide audience “, says Chloé Bitton, Head of Communications at TRIAL International.


A forum to denounce sexual violence

This year, TRIAL International sponsors the projection of The Uncondemned. This documentary recounts the fight of the Rwandan women to ensure that sexual violence be finally punished.

The impunity of sexual violence is at the heart of TRIAL’s work “, explains Philip Grant. “The pugnacity of these women also echoes our core beliefs: civil society has a crucial role to play in the fight for justice.”

TRIAL International will have the honour to introduce the film, along with NGO’s Civitas Maxima and Avocats Sans Frontières Switzerland. The projection will be followed by a debate, live-tweeted by TRIAL International.

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The Uncondemned
Saturday 18th March at 15: 00, Espace Pitoëff
Tickets and information