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TRIAL, ECCHR and FIDH have published their first annual review of the main universal jurisdiction cases in 2014. "Make W...

TRIAL and Geneva Call praised by City of Geneva

26.03.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Globe Global
Under embargo until 7:pm UTC + 1   Geneva City Hall will pay homage to TRIAL and Geneva Call on Thursday 26 March 2015. The city's Mayor has awarded the two Geneva-based NGOs the "Genève reconnaissante" (Grateful Geneva) medal. Mr Sami Kanaan applauded "the fundamental role of these civil society actors in today's world". He also highlighted the "outstandin...

Burundi: Prison accused of involuntary manslaughter

11.03.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Burundi - mandated by TRIAL, a lawyer filed a complaint on behalf of M. Busuguru, who died in prison of tuberculosis one year ago to the day. In the light of neglect by the penitentiary authorities, the latter are accused of involuntary manslaughter. Consult the French version to see the full news.

BiH: NGOs urge authorities to accept UPR recommendations

11.02.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Sarajevo, 11/02/2015 - On behalf of 150 NGOs, TRIAL and its partner MyRight are sharing some key recommendations formulated by the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This relatively new instrument of the United Nations Human Rights Council scrutinizes every country and assesses their human rights track record. In November 2014, BiH received 167 recommenda...

Morocco: NGO and victims of torture intimidated

10.02.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
After ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture) was summoned to court by Morocco, 9 human rights NGOs are expressing their concern regarding criminal procedures against civilians who have filed torture complaints, and an NGO representing them. More: Version in French
The United Nations delivered landmark decisions by giving justice to three conflict-era victims in Nepal. The decisions, rendered by one of the most prominent international human rights bodies, send a message of hope to the families of all victims of enforced disappearances and torture in the country. As widespread impunity still prevails in post-conflict Nepal, the G...
Globe Global
REDRESS, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), the International Federation for Human Rights...
Supported by TRIAL, several families of missing persons from Vogošća have just obtained justice before the UN. The Human Rights Committee now requests Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to establish the fate and whereabouts of 13 missing persons, to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes, and to provide adequate compensation to the victims. TRIAL welcomes the UN...
Twenty-two years ago, 13 men were victims of enforced disappearances during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Between 2008 and 2011, their relatives, with the help of TRIAL, submitted their cases to the European Court of Human Rights. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown, although a few bones of four of them have been located and identified. Most of the perpetra...
Civil society seeks justice for the first time before the African Commission for cases of extrajudicial killings that remained unpunished before the national judicial authorities. NGOs have submitted four complaints to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. These include several cases of extrajudicial killings committed between 2010 and 2012. Several...
Nearly seven years ago, after a long-term effort, several NGOs denounced Erwin Sperisen to the Swiss authorities by stressing his responsibility in numerous and serious human rights violations. The Geneva Court rendered a significant judgment today, condemning the former Chief of Police of Guatemala to a life-sentence for 7 extrajudicial executions in 2006 in Guatemal...

Nepal: Flawed Transitional Justice Act Adopted

03.06.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Last May, the President of Nepal passed a deeply flawed Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act. Violating human rights law standards, this Act raises great concerns, as it will contribute to further entrench impunity in Nepal. TRIAL calls for amendments to be made and reminds that current Nepalese transitional justice mechanisms are totally inadequate as they:...
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