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Courageous struggle of rape survivor rewarded at last

30.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Survivor of rape during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina relieved as Doboj court today hands out a three-year prison verdict against perpetrator. Despite being a light sentence with no compensation for the victim, TRIAL nevertheless hails this ruling as a major step against impunity of perpetrators of sexual violence during the Bosnian war. The Doboj municipality...

Impunity in Nepal: alternative report to Human Rights Committee

26.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
In March 2014, the UN Human Rights Committee will review Nepal’s compliance with its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a core human rights treaty it has been a party to since 1991. As Nepal submitted its state party report almost 14 years later, this will be the first time the Human Rights Committee has the opportunity to scru...

Nepal: disappeared and tortured for 500 days

22.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
TRIAL today submitted a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee, alleging the unlawful detention, enforced disappearance and torture of Himal Sharma from 2003 to 2005 by state security forces, during the height of the armed conflict in Nepal. Disappeared and tortured On 21 October 2003, Himal Sharma was unlawfully arrested in Kathmandu by members of state sec...

G8 commitment to tackle impunity for rape in conflict welcome

12.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
London/Geneva, 12 April 2013 – A Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence In Conflict was agreed yesterday by the G8 countries, declaring that rape and other serious sexual violence amount to war crimes and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions constitutes an emphatic reminder that states are required to investigate and prosecute conflict-related sexual violence w...

BiH: landmark case defended by TRIAL soon to be judged by ECHD

09.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
In a case soon to be decided by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, TRIAL represents the families of thirteen residents of Prijedor municipality who were forcibly disappeared in 1992 during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Early 1992, during the first months of the war ravaging the former Yugoslavia: thirteen men are abducted from their famili...
Globe Global
On behalf of the Swiss Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CSCPI), TRIAL handed over a document setting out its position on the ratification and national implementation of the Convention against Enforced Disappearances to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). After many calls, including the launch of a public petition signed by over 900...

Enforced Disappearances: France must do better

26.03.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
TRIAL, in collaboration with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the International Federation of Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (FIACAT), ACAT-France and the Collective of Families of Disappeared Persons in Algeria (CFDA) submitted an alternative report on the implementation by France of the International Convention for the Protection of...

Efforts continue in favor of Algerian victims!

22.03.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Alkarama, the Collective of families of disappeared persons in Algeria (CFDA) and TRIAL keep up their efforts for victims of grave human rights violations in Algeria.   The United Nations Human Rights Committee will meet on Monday, March 25, 2013 in order to monitor the implementation of its decisions in cases of human rights violations. In preparation for...

Nepal: Truth and Reconciliation Law a Betrayal of Victims

22.03.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Amnesty for Worst Crimes Violates International Law (Kathmandu, March 22, 2013) - The inclusion of an amnesty provision, which could cover the worst possible crimes, in Nepal's new Truth, Reconciliation and Disappearance Ordinance, will make it impossible for thousands of victims of gross human rights violations to obtain justice, a coalition of international human...
The United Nations Human Rights Committee recently condemned Libya following serious human rights violations committed against one of its nationals. According to the decision issued by the Committee, the Libyan authorities are required to conduct a thorough and effective investigation to shed light on the enforced disappearances of Abdussalam Il Khwildy as well as the...

Not Beyond the Reach of Justice! How to locate war criminals

07.02.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
Geneva / Sarajevo, 7 February 2013 For ten years now, TRIAL (Swiss association against impunity) has been fighting against the impunity of perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Towards that goal, TRIAL undertakes various activities, including the submission of cases to the authorities of countries which can exercise “universal jurisdicti...

TRIAL recognized as one of the World’s Top NGOs!

25.01.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
On 23 January 2013, the Global Journal issued its second annual ranking of the Top 100 NGOs worldwide. TRIAL confirms its presence in the ranking and strengthens its position in comparison to 2012. The Global Journal is an independent media outlet based in Geneva and New York and dedicated to global governance and international politics. For the second consecutive...
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