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(22-24 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) [caption id="attachment_27380" align="alignnone"...
Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona
(15-19 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) [caption id="attachment_27322" align="alignnone"...
(8-12 January 2024, Federal Criminal Court, Bellinzona, Switzerland) The trial of Ousman Sonko opened on 8 January 2024...
©TRIAL International / plaintiffs, plaintiffs’ lawyers and TRIAL representatives before the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona.
In its decision in the case of the Family of the late Jackson Ndikuriyo v. Burundi, the African Commission on Human...
(Geneva, 28 December 2023) - The trial of former Algerian Defence Minister Khaled Nezzar will take place in Bellinzona b...
Ten years ago, to the day, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Switzerland, opened a criminal investigation for...
Screenshot video_PG Hotel Rifaat holding picture
Who is Bai L. and what are the charges against him? Bai L. is a 48-year-old Gambian citizen who is alleged to have been a member of the “Junglers” death squad, a paramilitary unit also known as the “Patrol Team” created by the former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh. According to the indictment, “the aim of [the Junglers’] operations was to intimidate the Gam...

Extraordinary General Assembly: election of a new Board member

21.11.2023 - (Last modified: 08.12.2023)
Globe Global
December 8, 2023 Yannick Heiniger becomes a new member of our Board. He was elected with 34 votes in favour, 0 abstentions and 0 votes against, and joins the other six members of the Board --------------------------- November 21, 2023 Dear Members, Following our Annual General Meeting on June 14, 2023, the Board of TRIAL International invites you to participate i...
The trial of Ousman Sonko – the former Gambian Interior Minister accused of having committed multiple crimes against hum...
Tribunale Penale Federale_Bellinzona_Wikimedia
During September and October 2023, TRIAL International trained hundreds of newly recruited magistrates in the investigat...
On Friday August 25, 2023, the Court of Appeal of Kasai-Central convicted a militiaman of crimes against humanity for th...
At the UN Human Rights Council’s 51st session, in October 2022, the Council extended the mandate of the Special Rapporte...