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Just one year ago, the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC) recognized the existence of a civil war in Algeria during the...

2018 Activity Report

15.05.2019 - (Last modified: 08.05.2023)
TRIAL International’s activity report for 2018 is hosted on its own website. To receive a print abridged copy, please...
Three groups working on accountability for atrocious crimes in Syria are asking why the European Union’s sanctions regim...

The Anti Human Rights initiative: What are we talking about?

22.11.2018 - (Last modified: 20.12.2018)
In less than a week, the Swiss people will have decided. But what exactly? "Swiss law instead of foreign judges", "init...

Fresh accusations made against Erwin Sperisen in Guatemala

05.11.2018 - (Last modified: 09.11.2018)
The former head of the Guatemalan National Civil Police, who has just appealed to the Federal Court against his 15-year...

Is Switzerland becoming a safe haven for war criminals?

18.09.2018 - (Last modified: 19.12.2018)
A UN report recently made public points the finger at Switzerland. In two criminal cases for war crimes, the Office of t...

Human rights under threat in Switzerland?

31.07.2018 - (Last modified: 19.12.2018)
An initiative proposes that the Swiss Constitution should prevail over international law. A scenario with potentially di...

“The torturers seek to crush your soul”

25.06.2018 - (Last modified: 09.07.2018)
On this international day, in support of victims of torture, TRIAL International would like to pay tribute to a victim i...
The Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC) has overturned a decision of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to dismiss...
TRIAL International’s activity report for 2017 is hosted on its own website. To receive a print abridged copy, please...
Burundian Refugee Uganda
A campaign has launched in support of the Responsible Business Initiative. The participating organizations, including T...
In its ruling of 27 April 2018, the Geneva Court of justice ruled that Erwin Sperisen was an accomplice in the execution...
Palais de Justice Geneve
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