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Geneva, 11 September 2012 The United Nations Human Rights Committee recently condemned Algeria in a case of enforced disappearance. In May 1996, Mr. Kamel Rakik, 33 years old, was arrested at his home, around 30 km from Algiers, by policemen of Algiers’ wilaya. He was brought to the Chateauneuf Police officers school where he was tortured. He has not been seen sinc...
On 23 August 2012, TRIAL together with the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Human Rights Watch (HRW), Advocacy Forum – Nepal and seven other local organisations working with victims of human rights violations and their families submitted a briefing note to the new Special Rapporteur on the Promotion o...

Nepal: Rights Groups Condemn Amnesty Ordinance

01.09.2012 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
Respect Obligations to Prosecute Worst Crimes From Civil War Era (New York, August 31, 2012) – President Ram Baran Yadav of Nepal should return an executive ordinance that would effectively permit amnesty for crimes committed during the country’s civil war from 1996 to 2006, four human rights groups said today in a letter to the president. The president should retu...

BiH: Women are the war's silent victims

01.09.2012 - (Last modified: 20.10.2016)
In September 2012, TRIAL and 9 associations working with women victims of the war submitted a 72-page report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women highlighting Bosnia-Herzevogina's failure to enforce this category of victims' right to obtain truth, justice and reparation.
In September 2012, TRIAL, together with six associations of relatives of missing persons, four associations dealing with the subject of rape or other forms of sexual violence during the war, and seven associations or federations of associations of former camp-detainees, submitted a report highlighting the violations of the fundamental rights suffered by the above-ment...
Geneva, 31 August 2012 Mr. Erwin Sperisen, a dual Swiss-Guatemalan national living in Geneva, was arrested today by t...
In August 2012, TRIAL and other international and national associations active in Nepal submitted a briefing note to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence about the negative consequences of the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly on the transitional justice process.
Globe Global
Geneva, 27 July 2012 TRIAL (Swiss association against impunity) participated in the examination of the third periodic report of Kenya before UN Human Rights Committee. TRIAL expressed concerns at the situation of impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of the gross violations committed in the context of a 2008 security operation in Mt. Elgon. In its concluding observa...
Despite the positive achievement of the ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (hereinafter: the Convention), the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have not recognized the crucial competence of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances to receive and consider individual and inter-state commun...

ICC: Switzerland must promptly implement pledges made in Kampala

11.06.2012 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
Globe Global
TRIAL has sent on behalf of the Swiss Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CSCPI) a letter to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs asking Switzerland to follow up not the pledges made during the Review Conference of the Rome Statute in June 2010 that took place in Kampala, Uganda. The NGOs members of the CSCPI regret notably that Switzerland i...

Algeria: Two brothers forcibly disappeared in retaliation

07.06.2012 - (Last modified: 20.10.2016)
Introduction In August 2008, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on behalf of Mrs Taous Djebbar and Mr Saadi Chihoub, acting in the name of their sons, Djamel and Mourad Chihoub. Djamel Chihoub first, then his brother Mourad six months latter, were arrested by members of the Algerian army and are have been repporte...
Sarajevo / Geneva, 28 May 2012 TRIAL (Swiss association against impunity) presented today a report on the situation of former camp detainees in Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Drafted in cooperation wi...
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