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TRIAL International contributed to the ‘An Environmental Compact for Ukraine’ report titled ‘A Green Future: Recommendations for Accountability and Recovery’ published in February 2024. Our recommendations include a number of strategic reflections regarding the investigation and prosecution through extraterritorial jurisdiction of international crimes resulting in...
Globe Global
Conflict in Ukraine and accountability for economic actors: universal jurisdiction increasingly instrumental in the figh...
Globe Global
With developments seen in more than 60 cases across 16 jurisdictions, the year 2021 highlights the growing importance of...
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UJAR 2021: the impact of coronavirus on universal jurisdiction

12.04.2021 - (Last modified: 11.05.2022)
Globe Global
The year 2020 will remain in memories, by and large, as a period unlike any other. The covid-19 pandemic has turned arou...

Prosecuting international crimes: a matter of willingness

05.05.2020 - (Last modified: 07.05.2020)
How do different countries prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture and enforced disappearance?...
Globe Global
The latest Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) salutes the rise of universal jurisdiction cases worldwide. It al...
Globe Global
TRIAL International is proud to publish its fifth Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR). Analyzing 60 cases across...
Globe Global
Universal jurisdiction is here to stay. In their annual report Make way for justice #4, TRIAL International and its part...

Make way for Justice #3: closing the net on impunity (UJAR 2017)

27.03.2017 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Universal jurisdiction has gathered unprecedented momentum in 2016. In their annual report, TRIAL International and its...

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) 2016

06.06.2016 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Annual Report on Universal Jurisdiction TRIAL, FIBGAR, ECCHR and FIDH publish for the second consecutive year their a...

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) 2015

06.06.2015 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Make Way for Justice: Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2015 TRIAL, ECCHR and FIDH have published their first annu...
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