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Make way for Justice #3: closing the net on impunity (UJAR 2017)

27.03.2017 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Universal jurisdiction has gathered unprecedented momentum in 2016. In their annual report, TRIAL International and its...

BiH: Harmonized legal practices would benefit all victims

16.03.2017 - (Last modified: 20.03.2017)
Compensation claims have come a long way in recent years. However, noticeable discrepancies remain throughout BiH, resul...
A TRIAL International report compiles wartime survivor testimonies on compensation, emphasizing the need for a more incl...

2015 Activity Report

22.06.2016 - (Last modified: 25.08.2016)
Globe Global
TRIAL International has gradually gained momentum as a major actor in the fight against impunity. In 2015 alone, the NGO...

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) 2016

06.06.2016 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Annual Report on Universal Jurisdiction TRIAL, FIBGAR, ECCHR and FIDH publish for the second consecutive year their a...

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) 2015

06.06.2015 - (Last modified: 23.02.2023)
Globe Global
Make Way for Justice: Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2015 TRIAL, ECCHR and FIDH have published their first annu...
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