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No break in the fight against impunity

Dear friends,

We hope you are well as the good weather arrives. This newsletter brings hope and good news for all victims seeking justice around the world. Our fight against impunity is showing results and we are carrying on with more motivation than ever.

In Germany, the trial of Bai L. opened at the Celle court of justice on 25 April. The alleged former member of the Junglers, the "death squad" set up by Yahya Jammeh in Gambia, will have to answer for his actions before the German courts. The verdict is much awaited. In addition, in Kasai Central, DRC, the mobile trial held in Bana Ba Ntumba led to the conviction of the nine militiamen on trial.

We also learned that the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office opened criminal proceedings against a Swiss trader after we filed a criminal complaint in 2020 on suspicion of war crimes for the looting of Libyan fuel.

To learn more about TRIAL International's work, discover the second part of the "Talks on Human Rights". In this video, you can discover the impact of TRIAL International's actions and how to support us, in a discussion between Elsa Taquet, Legal Advisor and Martijn Burgers, Co-Chair of the AIJA Human Rights Committee.

Thank you for your support and enjoy reading this newsletter!


The TRIAL International team

PS: Do you know that by subscribing to a monthly donation of just 10 CHF your impact is doubled? You become a crucial player in ending impunity for international crimes and you enable us to accompany victims in the long run! 






TRIAL International

Gambia - Trial of alleged "death squad" member opens in Germany

The first universal jurisdiction trial at Celle in Germany for serious crimes committed in Gambia, which opened on 25 April, is a major step forward for justice. The defendant, Bai L., was an alleged member of the so-called "Junglers", a notorious death squad set up by then President Yahya Jammeh in the mid-1990s. German prosecutors accuse Bai L. of being involved as a former driver of the Junglers in the attempted murder of lawyer Ousman Sillah, as well as in the murders of journalist Deyda Hydara and alleged opponent Dawda Nyassi.


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DRC - Kasai-Central

Verdict for the nine militiamen suspected of committing mass crimes in Bana Ba Ntumba

The Military Tribunal of the Kananga garrison has rendered its verdict on the mobile court trial that opened on 12 April in Bana Ba Ntumba. The magistrates had to judge those allegedly responsible for numerous atrocities committed during the attack on several villages from April to May 2017 in the Dimbelenge territory in central Kasai. Belonging to a militia associated with the Kamuina Nsapu insurgency, the 9 defendants were convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity, as well as other ordinary offences.


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Switzerland - Respect for international humanitarian law must come before the pursuit of profit !

Libyan fuel plundering: Swiss trader facing criminal proceedings on suspicion of war crimes

According to information published by the online economic crime magazine Gotham City, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office (MPC) has formally opened criminal proceedings for war crimes of looting in a case involving the Zug-based trader Kolmar Group AG. The opening of these proceedings follows a criminal complaint filed with the MPC by TRIAL International in May 2020.


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TRIAL International - Talk about Human rights with AIJA

Elsa Taquet, Legal Advisor, explains the impact of TRIAL International

AIJA, the International Association of Young Lawyers, has decided to launch a series of videos and interviews on human rights in collaboration with TRIAL International. In this second part, Elsa Taquet, Senior Legal Advisor at TRIAL International talks to Martijn Burgers about the impact of our work and how you can support our organization.


Watch the video




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