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Keep that ball rolling


Dear friends,

This past month, two long-term projects undertaken by TRIAL International have made significant progress. In the Great Lakes region, the organization has taken a first step towards creating cross-border judiciary networks – the culmination of several months' work.

Additionally, TRIAL International's quest for justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina has recently had a satisfactory outcome. The Court of BiH found a former policeman guilty of rape and kidnapping. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison and ordered to pay financial compensation to the victim. 

Finally, a case in which TRIAL International has invested a lot of effort has just experienced a new twist: the former head of the Guatemalan National Civil Police Erwin Sperisen could face new charges concerning the murder of prisoners in 2005.  

Enjoy the read and thank you for your support,

The TRIAL International team




TRIAL delivers its first regional training for African lawyers


This training, conducted in partnership with the Great Lakes Bar Association, launches TRIAL’s regional strategy in the Great Lakes.

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Can the authorities tackle enforced disappearances?


Despite progressive legislative measures, the victims’ families are still lacking effective mechanisms to search for their loved ones. 

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Bosnia & Herzegovina

Another victory against impunity for wartime sexual violence


The court of BiH has ordered financial compensation for a victim supported by TRIAL International since 2014.

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Erwin Sperisen: again targeted by Justice?


The former head of the National Civil Police in Guatemala could face new charges for crimes he has not been judged for in Switzerland.

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