
Carrying the voices of victims at all levels
Dear friends,
Each day, relentlessly, we support victims of the worst atrocities and carry their voices before domestic and international institutions. This month’s news illustrate this commitment.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a new trial opened last week. Thanks to mobile court hearings, justice unfolds as close as possible to the affected populations. But the voices of victims are brought to the international level too, including at the United Nations. A historic decision was recently rendered in favor of sexual violence victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Another case was brought against Burundi before the Committee against Torture. Finally, we are also active in Switzerland to make sure international crimes such as pillage do not go unpunished.
As usual, we thank you for your support and wish you a pleasant read,
The TRIAL International team
www.trialinternational.org | info@trialinternational.org | ||||