Alternative report to the Human Rights Committee

01.03.2014 ( Last modified: 09.11.2016 )

In March 2014, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) reviewed Nepal’s compliance with its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

In this perspective, TRIAL and its partners submitted an “alternative report” to the HRC to assist a Country Task Force on Nepal ahead of its adoption of a List of Issues concerning Nepal in July 2013 at its 108th session.

The report focuses on impunity for serious human rights violations during the period of conflict in Nepal as well as ongoing violations in the post-conflict period, and the obstacles faced by victims in accessing justice, truth and reparation. It documents the overall failure of Nepal to protect and ensure the right to life (Art. 6), the prohibition of torture (Art. 7), the right to liberty and security of person (Art. 9), the right of detainees to be treated with humanity and dignity (Art. 10), the right to recognition as a person before the law (Art. 16), the rights of the child (Art. 24) and the right to an effective remedy (Art. 2.3).

On 28 March 2014, the HRC adopted its Concluding Observations on Nepal (CCPR/C/NPL/CO/2) containing a number of recommendations. The HRC requested Nepal to provide, within one year (i.e., on 28 March 2015), relevant information on the implementation of the recommendations made in paragraphs 5, 7 and 10. On March 2015, TRIAL and its partners submitted a report with updated information on the implementation of these recommendations. An executive summary is available here.