DRC: a campaign to set up civilian tribunals


A coalition launches its project of a civil institution: based on the model of the tribunal, it aims to create a space of dialogue to denounce mass crimes.

After the civil war in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), access to justice remains problematic for mass crimes victims. To address this issue, in 2015, Milau Rau created and filmed a unique civilian tribunal: a secure public space where victims, perpetrators and stakeholders can discuss openly.

Inspired by this success, a group of Congolese and European lawyers, human rights activists and journalists are launching a crowdfunding campaign. Their project is to set up new civil tribunals, document their processes and advance the fight against impunity in DRC.


Building lasting peace

TRIAL International supports this campaign, which echoes its activities in DRC: reinforcing local capacity and taking mass crimes cases in front of domestic and international courts.

For Daniele Perissi, head of DRC program: « Dialog is essential for transitional justice. Giving a voice to victims is a first step toward justice and a prerequisite for a lasting peace. »


Read the press release
The campaign website