Ending the cycle of impunity in Ukraine and beyond!

13.02.2024 ( Last modified: 15.02.2024 )

Two years ago, the world watched with dismay as Russian forces invaded Ukraine. This conflict, far from fading, continues to claim lives, destroy critical infrastructure and blatantly violate international law. Civilians, the primary victims of this tragedy, are suffering atrocities that should never occur again.

I have personally witnessed the devastating consequences of impunity for the perpetrators of international crimes. The same Russian officials have been able to repeat in Ukraine the horrendous crimes they actively participated in Syria. The need to break the cycle of impunity and reaffirm the pre-eminence of international law has never been more urgent, in Ukraine, but also in Palestine or Sudan.

So, what is TRIAL International doing to fight against this impunity?

At TRIAL International, we are not mere spectators of this reality. We take action. Our expertise in universal jurisdiction allows us to prepare legal cases against the perpetrators of these crimes. We are already actively working on it.

Moreover, in Ukraine, as we have done notably in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we are strengthening local capacities to document and investigate these crimes, by training key actors such as magistrates. This month, in partnership with a Ukrainian organisation, we are taking a significant step forward by organising a major training course for the Prosecutor General’s Office in Kiev.

2024 is a pivotal year.

Our determination to support international justice in Ukraine and elsewhere remains unwavering.

But this mission, crucial as it is, cannot be accomplished without your continued support!

Together, let us make justice a tangible reality, in Ukraine and in every part of the world where it is threatened.

With all our gratitude,

Elsa Taquet
Legal Coordinator, Ukraine Programme

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