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ECCHR-Dossier confirms allegations against the Sri Lankan diplomat accused of committing numerous war crimes. 3 May 2011 (Berlin/Bern/Geneva). ECCHR has today published a new dossier which substantiates allegations of war crimes committed by the 57 Division of the Sri Lankan Army under the command of Jagath Dias (available at Jagath Dias was Major Ge...

Impunity in Kenya goes well beyond post-electoral violence

19.04.2011 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
Globe Global
Nairobi/Geneva, 19 April 2011.   TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) and the EPAF (Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team) act to seek redress for the victims of enforced disappearance in Kenya’s Mount Elgon District 2008 violence. Hundreds of men taken by the military during the operation Okoa Maisha (“Save Lives” in Swahili) in Mount Elgon district in Kenya rem...
Geneva, 18 April 2011 More than three years after a criminal complaint was lodged against a former chief of the Guate...
Following the announcement that the former President of the United States of America was going to come to Geneva on 12 February 2011 for personal reasons, TRIAL has been requested on several occasions to participate in the proceedings against George W. Bush. The organisation believes that it is likely that international crimes (namely torture, enforced disappearanc...
TRIAL has recently submitted two individual communications to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding the enforced disappearance and torture of Jit Man Basnet in Nepal in February 2004 and regarding the arbitrary arrest, ill-treatment and execution of Ermin Kadiric in Bosnia-Herzegovina July 1992. Jit Man Basnet is a journalist and a lawyer in Kathmandu...
Globe Global
Geneva/Bern, 30 December 2010 As of January 1, 2011, Switzerland will enjoy a new law enabeling it to better participate in the prosecution of gencoide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Federal authorities must however provide the necessary means to actively participate in the growing struggle against impunity. The full press release is not available in E...
Globe Global
Enforced disappearances constitute not only grave violations of human rights but are also international crimes. The arrest, the detention or the abduction of a person, when not acknowledged by the State, terribly affects the relatives who remain in the dark about the fate of their loved one and fear the worst. On 23 December 2010, a new step has been taken in the stru...
Geneva, 15 December 2010. In 2007, the Federal Court, Switzerland's highest judicial authority, rejected a claim from a Tunisian victim of torture, to bring an action for damages against Tunisia and a former minister of the Interior. The European Court of Human Rights has just made it clear it might not agree. In April 1992, while living in Italy, Mr. Abdennacer Na...

Three continents, three cases, one struggle

10.12.2010 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
10 December 2010 - On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, TRIAL continues its fight against impunity around the globe and is submitting three new cases from Nepal, Algeria and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Thousands of families of vic...

UN blames BiH for not doing enough for civilian victims of war

23.11.2010 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
(Sarajevo/Geneva, 23 November 2010) – The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) issued recommendations to BiH for resolving the problems related to missing persons and victims of rape or other forms of sexual violence during the war. These recommendations were formulated after the organization TRIAL, along with 11 local associations from all of BiH, filed a 80-page-long...

Libya: Investigate Death-in-Custody Case

19.11.2010 - (Last modified: 17.07.2017)
(Geneva, November 19, 2010) – Recently obtained documents show that Libya’s security chief blocked an investigation into...
The Advocacy Center – TRIAL (ACT) submitted two communications to the Human Rights Committee against Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) concerning the enforced disappearances of Mr. Mensud Rizvanović and Mr. Husein Hamulić occurred in July 1992. The Rizvanović and Hamulić cases On 20 July 1992 Mr. Mensud Rizvanović was arbitrarily deprived of his liberty in Rizvanovići (B...
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