Pascal: Found executed a few days after his arrest

20.09.2018 ( Last modified: 19.12.2018 )

In the summer of 2015, Pascal (real name withheld) received numerous alarming calls informing him that he was actively being sought by the Burundian police.

Since April 2015, the upsurge in insecurity in Burundi has led to multiple serious human rights violations within a context of total impunity.

The United Nations estimates that within a year, between April 2015 and April 2016, there were 348 cases of extrajudicial executions, 36 cases of enforced disappearances, 3477 arbitrary arrests and 651 cases of torture.

In this context, Pascal requested information from a state agent to shed light on his situation. The latter assured him that he was not the subject of any proceedings.

However, in the days following this exchange, Pascal was arrested by a group of heavily armed police officers and forcibly taken to an unknown destination.

A few days later, Pascal’s body was found lifeless. His remains showed several bullet holes.



In addition to the referral to several human rights organizations, Pascal’s family filed a complaint to the authorities.

However, almost three years after the events, no effective investigation has been initiated and no investigative action has been undertaken.

Thus, despite the involvement of many actors and wide media coverage, the case remains blocked and the perpetrators of these atrocities continue to benefit from total impunity.

Due to the inertia of national justice, TRIAL International has brought the matter before an international body.

The procedure is currently underway.