General Assembly 2023: Information and useful documents

31.05.2023 ( Last modified: 02.06.2023 )

Members of TRIAL International are invited to participate in the General Assembly (GA) of the organization which will take place on June 14, starting at 6:30 p.m. in our office, located at 95 rue de Lyon in Geneva.



  1. Welcome by the President

  2. Approval of the agenda and the minutes of the General Assembly 2022 (in French only)

  3. Presentation of the 2022 activity report and 2023 action plan

The Executive Director and various members of the staff will present TRIAL International’s activities of the past year and the actions planned or already undertaken in 2023.

The discharge of the Committee for its management will be voted.

  1. Statutory changes concerning the composition of the Committee and the duration of the mandate of its members

The members are called upon to decide on the number of members making up the Committee (5 to 9), on the duration of the mandates (from 2 to 3 years for new members) and on a maximum limit of 12 years.

  1. Elections of the Committee members:

Re-election of the President: Leslie Haskell

Re-election of outgoing members: Philippe Bovey, Yves Daccord, Sonja Maeder Morvant, Sacha Meuter

Election of new members: Florence Hentsch

  1. Accounts and balance sheet 2022, amount of the membership fee, appointment of the auditor for the accounts 2023

The accounts and balance sheet for 2022 will be presented on site.

According to article 7 paragraph 4 letter c of the statutes of the organization, the GA is responsible for setting the membership fees.

The Committee therefore proposes to the GA to maintain the membership fees at the same level as the previous year, i.e:

  • CHF 70 for individual members (CHF 25 for students, persons under 25 years old and those receiving AHV/IV)
  • CHF 110 for couples
  • CHF 200 for legal entities

The Committee proposes that the Committee ratify the choice of GAS Global Audit Service SA as auditors for the year 2023.



Minutes of the General Assembly 2022 (in French only)

Activity report 2022

Audit report of the 2022 accounts and balance sheet by GAS Global Audit Service SA

Proposed Statuatory Amendments