In the face of Covid-19, TRIAL International remains committed to its beneficiaries

20.03.2020 ( Last modified: 30.03.2020 )

Dear friends and partners,

Reported cases of Covid-19 are on the rise. As anti-contamination measures are enforced across the globe, TRIAL International is doing its utmost to maintain its activities while ensuring the safety of its workers, partners and beneficiaries.

Our organization has swiftly adapted to keep up its mission: fighting impunity for international crimes and bringing justice to victims. TRIAL International is aware that its beneficiaries rely on its support, perhaps more acutely than in normal times. Our primary obligation remains to serve them to the best of our ability.

In conformity with local directives, TRIAL International has implemented a number of measures to ensure its staff can keep working in safe conditions:

  • TRIAL International’s staff in Geneva work from their homes. Events and meetings with outside partners have been postponed.
  • TRIAL International’s staff in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) work from their homes. Events and meetings with outside partners have been postponed.
  • Consultants in other parts of Europe work on a reduced-hours basis.
  • The staff of TRIAL International’s sister structure in Katmandu (Nepal) work from their homes as of 23 March 2020. Events and meetings with outside partners have been postponed.
  • TRIAL International’s offices in Goma and Bukavu (Democratic Republic of the Congo) function as usual, with reinforced hygiene and anti-contamination measures. All travels within the country are suspended and meetings with third parties are limited to the strict minimum. A consultant has been mandated to help the local staff prepare, should the situation worsen.
  • All field missions are postponed until further notice.
  • An emergency focal point has been designated, should staff members present early symptoms of Codiv-19. Official guidance and updates are sent to all staff members daily.

In spite of our best efforts, external factors have inevitably resulted in the postponement or downscaling of some activities: closure of domestic tribunals, modifications of the judicial and political calendars, restricted movements of people, etc. We count on your understanding for these circumstances beyond our control.

In these difficult times, we are convinced that solidarity is more important than ever: we thank you for your trust and support, which enable us make a positive change for the most vulnerable. We hope that you and your close ones all staying healthy and vigilant.

We will update this page regularly to reflect the latest evolutions. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please write to

Best wishes,

The TRIAL International team