Slavko Savić

16.05.2016 ( Last modified: 06.10.2016 )

In 1993, Elma Z. (assumed name) was with her daughter at home in Vogosca (Bosnia & Herzegovina) when a member of the Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) barged in, pointed a gun and forced her to get into his car where he raped her. The same thing happened again later that year. Elma Z. feared she or her daughter would be killed if she resisted her rapist.

Years later, Elma Z. asked TRIAL International for legal assistance. The NGO fully supported her quest for justice, including engaging criminal proceedings, requesting protective measures and filing a compensation claim. After years of impunity, Slavko Savic, a former member of the Light Infantry Brigade of the Army of Republika Srpska Army (VRS) was arrested on charges of wartime rape in September 2014.

The trial took place in 2015, during which Elma Z.’s own daughter testified against Savic. In June 2015, the Court of BiH found Slavko Savic guilty of the rape of Elma Z. and sentenced him to eight years imprisonment. The defense lawyer appealed the decision, calling for a repeal of guilty verdict. A final decision by the Appeals Chamber in 2016 confirmed the first instance decision.

In its guilty verdict, the Court allowed the victim to receive 30 000 KM (about 15 300 euro) as a compensation to the harm suffered. This was an unusual and welcome move. TRIAL International had fought hard to include the compensation claim to the criminal proceedings in this case, thereby saving Elma Z. further proceedings before civil courts to receive her due.

22 years after her rape, Elma. Z was finally able to move on: “TRIAL International gave me the strength I needed to seek justice. It offered me legal and psychological support, but also human support, which is of utmost importance. I am satisfied with this verdict that acknowledges the hardship I have been through, but it will restore neither my life nor my health.