TRIAL acts before the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions

01.11.2013 ( Last modified: 20.09.2016 )

According to Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission, 170 migrants have been killed in the country since 2005, including the massive murder of 72 migrants in August 2013 in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. There seems to be a link between the murder of migrants, organized crime and the complicity of the police and other authorities.

Migrant shelters have been the object of multiple attacks by the organized crime and have received insufficient measures of protection by the government. Migrants are afraid to take their cases before the police and there is a state of chronic impunity.

TRIAL together with nine local associations submitted a report to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions mainly focusing on arbitrary executions of migrant people.

The organizations share the view previously expressed by the Special Rapporteur that migrants are a group particularly vulnerable to executions. They have also identified several issues of concern that they consider should be taken up by the Special Rapporteur in his forthcoming final report.