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2020 Activity Report

14.06.2021 - (Last modified: 08.05.2023)
TRIAL International's 2020 Activity Report is now available here. To receive a print copy, please contact TRIAL’s...
As the trial against Alieu Kosiah opens in Bellinzona, many welcome Switzerland's commitment to international justice. B...

Virtual exhibition: "The Duty to Remember"

18.11.2020 - (Last modified: 12.01.2021)
Remembrance is an essential step in the transitional justice process. With this in mind, the NGO ANEKED has created "The...
In March 2011, TRIAL International assisted six Palestinian families with their criminal complaint against the Swiss sub...

Towards ending corporate impunity?

16.10.2020 - (Last modified: 26.11.2020)
On November 29th, Swiss citizens will be called to the polls. They will notably be asked to vote on the Responsible Busi...
In November 2013, for the first time in its history, TRIAL International initiated proceedings against a company before...
On 21 May 2020, TRIAL International filed a criminal complaint (“dénonciation pénale”) for complicity in pillage against...

Prosecuting international crimes: a matter of willingness

05.05.2020 - (Last modified: 07.05.2020)
How do different countries prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture and enforced disappearance?...
The trial against Anwar Raslan and Eyad al-Gharib, two former officers of the Syrian government's security apparatus ope...
Between 2014 and 2017, The Gambia exported nearly 163 million US dollars-worth of rosewood, a rare and precious tree spe...
Torn apart and bled dry since the fall of Colonel Gaddafi, Libya is a paradise for smugglers. TRIAL International and Pu...
On 28 November 2019, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (FSC) upheld Erwin Sperisen's sentence to 15 years in prison. In Ap...
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