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TRIAL calls on Spain to tackle enforced disappearances

20.09.2013 - (Last modified: 12.09.2019)
Globe Global
Spain must do much more to implement its international obligations concerning enforced disappearance, says TRIAL in its report to the United Nations (UN). TRIAL is submitting a report to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances(CED) on the measures to be taken by Spain to implement its international obligations. The NGO points out that Spanish legislation doe...

Switzerland: TRIAL submits its views on dictators' assets law

16.09.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
TRIAL submits its views to the Swiss Government (the Federal Council) relating the project of a new federal law on the freezing and restitution of assets of illicit origin linked to politically exposed persons (LBVR). Considering its limited mandate, namely the fight against impunity in cases of crimes under international law (genocide, crimes against humanity, war...

New publication on accountability

12.09.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
Promoting Accountability through the Human Rights Bodies in Geneva New TRIAL and ICJ publication shows how Geneva-based UN human rights bodies can be used more effectively to combat impunity. At a side event at the UN Human Rights Council 24th session, TRIAL and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) presented yesterday their newest publication on  opport...

How to better promote Accountability?

11.09.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
A side event to the 24th Session of the UN Human Rights Council On Wednesday September 11th 2013   TRIAL and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) will present on Wednesday 11 September 2013 their latest publication entitled «Promoting  Accountability through the Human Rights Bodies in Geneva». What are the potentials of Geneva-based human rig...

Libya: thirteenth condemnation before the UN

22.08.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Libya is found responsible for the enforced disappearance, torture and death of Ismail Al Khazmi. The NGOs TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) and Alkarama welcome the UN Human Rights Committee decision and urge Libyan authorities to shed light on this and thousands of other cases of gross human rights violations. TRIAL and Alkarama submitted four cases concerning violat...

Nepal should end impunity for rape perpetrators

12.08.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
TRIAL and its Nepalese partner HimRights denounce the ongoing impunity for perpetrators of acts of sexual violence committed in Nepal during the conflict (1996-2006) and post-conflict periods in a report submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW or the Committee). The NGO's deplores that not a single case of rape or sex...

Nepal: Alternative Reports to CEDAW

01.08.2013 - (Last modified: 08.11.2016)
On 29 July 2011 the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women adopted its concluding observations with regard to Nepal's combined fourth and fifth periodic reports, requesting the government to provide within two years, written information on the steps undertaken to implement the recommendations contained therein. In light of this request, TRI...

No immunity for Algerian former defence Minister

31.07.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Geneva, 31 July  2012  The Federal Criminal Court (FCC) released today a landmark decision in the case of Khaled Nezzar, an Algerian former defence minister denounced by TRIAL for war crimes. The FCC found that Mr. Nezzar cannot claim immunity for acts committed during his tenure, thus paving the way for a trial in Switzerland. The present decision opens up signifi...

BiH: action for women victims of war crimes urgent

29.07.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
News release Geneva/Sarajevo, 30 July 2013   TRIAL welcomes the concluding observations published by the UN today calling on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to respect without delay the rights of women victims of war crimes, relatives of missing persons and victims of sexual violence during the war. In its concluding observations, the UN Committee on the El...
TRIAL just won a seventh case against Algeria before the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning Mr. Djaafar Sahbi's enforced disappearance in 1995.. The NGO welcomes the Committee's decision and hopes that light will be shed on the serious human rights violations that took place during the Algerian internal conflict and that impunity will no longer protect t...
Globe Global
Joint press release of TRIAL and Alkarama Geneva, 27 June 2012 The United Nations Human Rights Committee has recently condemned Libya following the disappearance in 2006 and 2007 of two brothers defended by TRIAL (Swiss association against impunity) and Alkarama. The new Libyan authorities are now required to investigate these facts, to punish the perpetrators o...

BiH: landmark step against enforced disappearances

18.06.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
For the first time ever, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has been condemned by an international human rights body concerning enforced disappearances committed during the war. The United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) found several violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in regards to 5 Bosnian citizens from the Vogošća muni...
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