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Bouguerra Soltani

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 27.09.2016)
Bouguerra Soltani held several ministerial positions in the Algerian government from 1998 to 2009. He is suspected of having ordered, authorized and incited public officials to commit acts of torture. When Mr Soltani was invited to come to Switzerland as a speaker in October 2009, TRIAL International filed a criminal report against him, immediately followed by a c...

Argor-Heraeus SA and Hussar Limited

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 11.06.2019)
In partnership with the NGOs Open Society Justice Initiative and Conflict Awareness Project, TRIAL International, filed a report against Argor-Heraeus SA before the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland in November 2013. That company was accused of refining nearly three tonnes of gold pillaged by rebels in the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR...

Amir Coralic

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 09.02.2017)
During the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s, Amir Coralic (otherwise known as “Pango”) was a soldier in the pro-independence Bosniak army of Bihac Province – the “National Defense”. In December 1993, Amir Coralic and two other militiamen abducted Marina, a 14-year-old girl, and her cousin Adela, a 15-year-old girl (assumed names), from their home. The two gir...

Ali Bin Fadhul Al-buainain

16.05.2016 - (Last modified: 10.12.2020)
According to human rights organizations, the Bahraini authorities systematically use torture, and the Bahraini Attorney General’s Office plays a significant role in this repressive system. Those arrested are often subjected to torture and forced to sign false confessions. The annual conference of the International Association of Prosecutors (AIP) was held in Zurich...
Facts In November 2007, TRIAL submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights against Switzerland for th...
Berlin/London/Geneva, 15 September 2015 – Electric shocks, beatings on the soles of the feet, stress positions during incommunicado detention: those who allow this type of torture can and must be held criminally liable – even abroad. Bahrain-born British citizen Jaafar Al-Hasabi has submitted a criminal complaint to the prosecuting authorities in Berne (Switzerland) a...
The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAGS) decided not to further prosecute the Swiss precious metals company Argor-Heraeus SA, that handled dirty African gold. While Swiss authorities acknowledged that Argor did refine looted gold and violated its duty of diligence, the case was nonetheless closed, a decision met with disbelief by the three NGOs working...
Geneva’s justice system has condemned  Erwin Sperisen for 10 murders. The former Guatemalan Chief of Police was found guilty of extrajudicial murders and sentenced to  life imprisonment. For the NGOs that denounced his actions, justice has now been done and this case will stand as an example in the continuing fight against impunity for State crimes. On 12 May 2015...

Erwin Sperisen: Appeal trial from 4 to 8 May 2015

30.04.2015 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
  Erwin Sperisen’s trial on appeal to be held from 4 to 8 May 2015 in Geneva: NGOs hope that the fight against i...
Nearly seven years ago, after a long-term effort, several NGOs denounced Erwin Sperisen to the Swiss authorities by stressing his responsibility in numerous and serious human rights violations. The Geneva Court rendered a significant judgment today, condemning the former Chief of Police of Guatemala to a life-sentence for 7 extrajudicial executions in 2006 in Guatemal...

Sperisen case: trial soon to start

11.04.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Today, the Geneva judicial authorities have announced the date of Erwin Sperisen’s trial. The former police chief of Gua...

Argor case: UK Authorities Called to Act following Swiss Ruling

05.02.2014 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
A key ruling by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court has given momentum to a war crimes case against the Swiss gold refining...
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